Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Climate Action Network proposed amendments to Bill C-30

A bit more recent here: Climate Action Network Canada (CANet Canada) published a backgrounder with proposed amendments to Bill C-30 (the Clean Air Act) on January 22nd. Lots of points, but sticking for now to carbon taxes and emissions trading - it strongly recommends
  • A fixed cap on absolute emissions that extends a ‘Kyoto-level’ target to heavy industry for the2008-2012 period9 – i.e. a reduction in emissions to 6% below 1990 levels;
  • A permit-trading system to facilitate efficient allocation of emissions reductions. A percentageof the permits should be auctioned and the revenues applied to further GHG reduction initiatives. Canada’s trading system should be linked to other Kyoto-compliant trading systems.

My comments: I definitely agree with both points. As mentioned in an earlier post, the large final emitter permit-trading system under development by NRCan was flawed. The emissions targets didn't reflect industry's share of responsibility for our emissions, and all permits were given freely to polluters - which actually ends up being a huge revenue transfer once permits begin gaining in value. The CANet recommendations solve both of these problems.

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