Saturday, March 10, 2007

De facto Canadian carbon taxes

The Globe and Mail has a story today on Harper and Stelmach's recent announcements re carbon sequestration investments (the CO2 pipeline etc.), but what caught my eye was a reference to "Alberta's new carbon tax". They are referring to the $15.00/tonne charge on emissions beyond the targets included in the new proposed "Specific Gas Emitters Regulation" (SGER - say that ten times real fast). The article then goes on to say that the Harper Conservatives are also expected to adopt a $15/tonne tax on emissions beyond regulated limits.
I guess they are right to call it a tax (economists of the world, feel free to correct me on this), but it provides little of the benefits of a true carbon tax, since it will only apply on emissions beyond regulated targets - in Alberta's case, the first 88-98% of a facilities emissions will be
untaxed. I will remain indefatigably optimistic about this, since at least the words "Alberta's new carbon tax" are actually being bandied about matter of factly in a national newspaper - a vital psychological watershed in carbon tax acceptance. Next stop, 80-150$/tonne taxes on all fuels sold in Canada, followed smoothly by the abolishment of income taxes and free photovoltaic backpacks for the whole famdamily!

Ottawa advised to underwrite carbon technology (Globe article)
Get your (not so free) solar backpack today!

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