Thursday, March 22, 2007

Baird open to some international emissions trading?

A pro-international emissions trading piece at yesterday mentions that Environment Minister John Baird has indicated he is open to including some international trading in his climate change plan. The piece doesn't offer further details, but does provide an overview of emissions trading and the opportunities involved in international trading.

Emissions trading: Like foreign aid, but better

My comments: Glad to hear it. International credits won't necessarily let us meet Kyoto, but they will get us a lot closer, more cheaply than 100% domestic reductions, and might help boost our international development aid budget to the UN's target for developed countries, 0.7% of GNP. (Canada is well below that, at 0.23% in 2003-2004; also well below the OECD average of o.42% - thank you, effortlessly available internet statistics)

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