Thursday, February 1, 2007

Liberal Party's Kyoto motion

The Globe and Mail covers the Liberal's motion yesterday calling on the government to "reconfirm Canada's commitment to honour the principles and targets of the Kyoto Protocol in their entirety". Followed of course by mutual name calling over Liberal inaction and Conservative insincerity. I just hope the public pressure keeps up long enough for the parties to throw up a few real policy initiatives in their quest to one-up each other. Witness the Liberal's call for the creation of a "cap and trade" emissions trading system in the same motion. Dion's previous discussion of emissions trading stuck to the old emissions-intensity system, which had no hard cap. Hopefully the cap and trade reference means that we might start discussing a more serious system.

Link to Globe article
Link to Liberal press release:
Link to previous post on Dion's emissions trading plan

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